For the latest information from the Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England, please visit this page that has any updates posted at 2pm each day.
Please follow the below links for advice from Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care:
- Guidance for health professionals
- Guidance for primary care
- Please click here to view a pathway that outlines the initial assessment questions to identify a patient who may require isolation and testing
Coronavirus information and advice from the GMC
The GMC have published a guide answering the common questions they've been asked about their role as regulator during the coronavirus pandemic. You can visit this page to be taken to the summary, where you can go on to view each section in their entirety.
To see the GMC's guidance for doctors, please visit the link below:
- The GMC's guidance for doctors
- Information for doctors working outside their normal field of practice
- Information on doctors' own health
Page published 27/02/20, information added on 10/03/20 and 16/03/20
DISCLAIMER: This communication has been prepared by Holt Doctors Limited for general information only. It is not intended to constitute professional or legal advice and you should not rely on its contents. Please seek independent professional advice.